
Road Builder


Chu Cho Industries LP. (CCI) is a resource and heavy construction company that works primarily within the forestry, mining and transportation industries. CCI specializes in timber harvesting, transportation, resource road construction, road maintenance and operation of resource camps.  CCI is based in Mackenzie BC and most works are completed within the Mackenzie TSA.  CCI operates two industrial properties in Mackenzie which include an 1800 sq. ft. shop on a 5-acre lot and a modern 10,000 sq. ft. shop and office complex on a 10-acre lot.  Administration, accounting and management for CCI is based in Prince George BC.  

Chu Cho Industries LP (CCI) is currently recruiting for an experienced and qualified Road Builders (Excavator, Grader, Dozer) to work in and around the Tsay Keh Dene and Swannell area. The successful candidate will possess the knowledge, experience and skill set required to complete assigned tasks in a safe, productive and professional manner.

Necessary qualifications and requirements for employment:

• Resume. Including relevant experience and personal / professional references.
• Copy of Valid Class 5 BC Drivers License.
• Copy of Drivers Abstract.
• Copy of Valid Level I FA with Transportation Endorsement Ticket is an asset.
• Copy of Valid S100 Training Ticket.
• Wage incentive for Level 3 First Aid Ticket.

What to expect:

• Camp provided 10/4 schedule.
• Daily pay for your personal pick-up is available, if fully equipped.
• Practice preventative maintenance and keep equipment clean.

What we offer:

• Competitive wages for quality work.
• Benefits after 3 months full time employment.

Let Us Know You Better

Please submit your resume in MS Word or PDF file format
Please submit your cover letter in MS Word or PDF file format